Monday, August 9, 2010

The Food Blog...mostly.

I declare this the food blog. It's not really about food at all. But I'm hungry, so every bullet point is going to contain something about food...except for the first one.

A random man told me today that it was hotter out than his high school guidance counselor. I didn't really like it and humbly suggest that no one say anything like that to me ever again.

EMERGENCY: This morning I posted a status stating that I'd decided if I could have any super power in the world it would be the ability to declare national holidays whenever I deemed necessary. For example, today would be "National Red Heads Get To Stay In Bed All Day and Watch Gilmore Girls While Eating Oatmeal With Blueberries In It Because I'm Exhausted and Am Fairly Certain There Is At Least 3 Teaspoons Of Sand In My Right Ear Day." Within moments of posting this, I received a call from my boss saying she was sick and that the office was to be closed for the day. Now here I am, eating my oatmeal with blueberries, completely prepared to put in my first season of Gilmore Girls and can't help but note that there is a 32.6% chance that these two occurrences are directly related. Could it be that I'm fully responsible for the condition of the Doc's well-being? If so, I'm sincerely sorry and plan to be much more responsible when declaring my future holidays.

I declare tomorrow official "Bring Jayme Ice Cream Day". I'll be working from 8:30-1:00 and then 3:00-6:30, please feel free to either drop it by the office or swing by my house after work. I'll pretty much take any kind...except for cookie dough. Or Vanilla. Or cookies and cream. Actually...I declare tomorrow official "Bring Jayme Chocolate Ice Cream Day."

Family Factoid:
The family reunion has come and gone. Had it's high points, it's low points...and as promised, it was all documented. Now it's important for me to note here that since returning from the reunion, a number of my cousins have added me as friends. For this very reason, I was hesitant to follow through with my vow to all of you but I truly believe that we have too much invested to just let it go. So I propose this to you, cousins. A censored account. I promise to change names, not talk about your moms or you specifically. I also have a surplus of chocolate that I'm willing to share with you. You in return, promise to not rat me out. I give you 3 days to respond to this blog. If I don't hear from you, I'm going to assume this is fine.

That is All.

*disclaimer for everyone but my family to read: a friend taught me how to block specific people from my notes. If there is an uprising within my clan, I've got it covered*

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