So, I have now entered into a new chapter in my life. A chapter that includes frozen hair, frost-bitten fingers and lots and lots of snow. One may be tempted to curse the plows that threaten to run me off the road during my 1 hour trek to and from work each day. Some less than I may be inclined to shake their fists at the snow that creeps into their non-michiganized boots, so their feet are perpetually wet and cold. . .
I however, am an optimist, dangit! And even, now…I shall find the brighter side!
So with no further ado…my first official Michigan Ramblings:
- Curses on you, frozen hair and frost-bitten fingers!
- I shake my fist at you, crazy snow plow drivers and boots that fail to keep the snow out!
- Once I had a boss that told me , after purchasing my very first car with cruise control and cup-holders, that she was shocked I had chosen red and not blue for the color. I looked up the meaning of blue cars on no less than 3.6 websites and they all said the people who drove them were cool, calm and quiet. I’m 67% sure that this meant she thought I was boring. Needless to say, this is super important although I’m not completely sure why.
- I started knitting 7 days and 3 hours ago and I’ve finished 1 and 1/12 scarves. I’m pretty sure it may be my spiritual gift. I figure at this rate, I’ll be able to open my own scarf shop by March 15th of 2013. I’ve decided to start taking orders 8 days from yesterday. Please leave a comment with your prefered color and pattern, although I’ll probably exercise my artist’s right to make them however I like.
- For as long as I can remember, my esophagus has made noises. Seeing as, for as long as I can remember, I’ve also been unable to burp, I naturally came to the conclusion that the two were directly related. For the last 3 1/2 weeks, though, I’ve burped no less than 12 times. Once my ex told me that the noises were a result of my refusal to eat condiments. Seeing as I basically hate his guts, I refuse to accept this as a viable explanation.
- HIPAA regulations keep me from revealing too much information, however, some things are just too shocking to keep to yourself. Please note that while this may be just a sketch, it is very real. This particular individual purposely does her hair like this every single day. The amount of product alone that would be required to accomplish such a feat is absolutely mind blowing. I wonder if she notices that I never actually make eye contact because I’m always focused on her hair.
And that concludes my very first Michigan Ramblings ever…I think.
Have the BEST Sunday night ever.
That is all.
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