I must admit that as of late, my postings have been very safe, dare I say timid. It's not that I haven't come across anything worthy to note, I've just been holding back. Why? Because I do not wish to be an offensive person. Since this decision, though, there has been a noticeable decline in the popularity of my blog. For this reason, I have decided to release everything that I have kept inside for at LEAST 73 days. Wrong? Maybe. But I'm feeling slightly spicy tonight and would really like to reach 15 followers, so here it goes...
1. To all middle aged straight haired women. I am not sorry that I have curly hair. I do not wish it was straight. I do not spend forever on it every day. It is not true that people always want what they don't have. I would not trade it for your hair if I could. In fact, I LIKE it. I like it a lot. And I think to myself everyday when I wake up: "I'm really glad that my hair is curly and not straight."
2. It is NEVER OK to walk into an office, take your shoes and socks off, leave them at the door and proceed to walk around in bare feet for an hour and a half. I do not care if there is 3 feet of standing water outside. I do not care if your shoes are tad too tight and are pinching your toes when you walk. I do not care if you got the greatest pedicure of your life and for some creepy reason, feel you need to show it off to me. Please, for the love of everything good in the world, put your shoes back on.
EMERGENCY: Our family is having a reunion in July. The first in about ten years. Now please don't miss-understand me. It's my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. I love them dearly and for this reason, I will travel halfway across the country, I will put a smile on my face and I will appear to have the time of my life. However, you do not know my family and it has recently occurred to me that these events could very well bring me to a level of fame in the blogging world that has yet to be attained. I've decided that in the days and weeks leading up to this event, I will introduce you to a person or event from my 'family past' that will give you a slight glimpse into what is to come, the climax being a run down of the event itself.
Now, for the sake of anonymity...and the fact that my mom is an avid follower... I will be altering names.
**Mom, I'm giving you three days to read this and tell me I'm not allowed, if I do not hear from you I will move forward with my noted plans**
**Everyone but my mom. If I get in trouble with in the next three days... My friend is attending a family reunion in July. The first in about ten years. Now please don't miss understand her. It's her grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. She loves them dearly and for this reason, she will travel halfway across the country, she will put a smile on her face and appear to have the time of her life..." **
Lmao, love ya Jayme!