Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happiest Saturday Ever that I don't have to work!

I regret to inform you that since starting my new job I've pretty much lost all inspiration. Who knew that happiness would, in turn, kill my my spirit? I shall be looking for a new muse. Until that happens, I appreciate your patience and please accept these mediocre bullet points....

  • I had another dream about transformers last night. That's the second one in the past month. This time the yellow transformer lassoed my house and drug in out into the ocean where it suddenly became a rather nice boat. It was both terrifying and slightly exhilarating all at once. I'm pretty sure it's a sign that I will be going on a cruise within the next year, needless to say, this is very exciting.
  • I have now gone an entire week without coffee and I'm 106.3% sure that I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms that are not obvious to the naked eye...or to me really. I'd like to say that it's a result of some kind of effort to be healthy but really it's just a combination of creamer becoming a luxury that I really can no longer justify and liking sleep way to much to get up in enough time to make it if I'm just going to have to drink it black.
  • EMERGENCY: God gave me a free TV two days ago but I can't get it out of my car. I'll give anyone $1 who is willing to bring it into my house for me.
That is all.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is just a little song that I wrote today. Enjoy.

LA LA LAAAA….today is taking forever….LA LA LAAAAAAAAAAAAA…I really want to go home! La La La….I still have 1 hour and 50 minutes left to GO!...LA LA LAAAA LA….I may go crazy….someone please save me….La La….I want to be out in the sun…LAAAAAA…on the beach…..LA! I would really like salad tonight….la…..but all I have are crackers and chicken….La la la la….today is the last weekend I will ever work in my life….LA…that is probably not ture….LA LA LA LA…I wish I had my pjs on….la la la la la la la….I would be so HAPPY….LA LA LA…THE END!

Michelle told me that her mom might follow my blog if I put a recipe on here. Since I’m kind of desperate to grow my “followers” and think it would be kinda sweet if her mom followed me, I’ve attached one of my favorite recipes. This goes out to you, Michelle’s mom:

Great with that bowl of night time ice cream!!


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
(optional) a small splash of vanilla extract
(optional) dash of salt

1 large coffee mug

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.

The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed! Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous). And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!

When I woke up this morning all the lights were on in my house and half of my appliances were unplugged. Typically, this sleepwalking is a result of me becoming overly stressed or traumatized by a specific incident. Yesterday a gentleman and his family came in to book a reservation. For 20 minutes he bent over viewing properties from our public computer and for 20 minutes I had a clear view of his red neck booty crack. I’m 108% sure that these two incidents are directly related.

That is all. Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

La la la LAAA

Every time I open a door at work, I receive a shock. Today alone, I've received no less than 187 shocks. I tried stretching my sweater over my hand when I touched the handles but that didn't work. I'm thinking about stuffing fabric softener sheets up my sleeves tomorrow.

I answered the phone this afternoon with my normal "Oak Island Accommodations. This is Jayme, how may I help you?" The man on the line said "Well HELLOOOO Jeanie!" Then proceeded to sing out the notes to the entire I Dream of Jeanie theme song. I really didn't like that at all.

Please enter the link below into a browser. Once you have the web page up, look right above the little black box with the green line. There is a "repeat" button (two arrows making a circle). Click on that and then click the "play" button. Then please listen to it for 8 hours with the volume turned on high. Please keep in mind that this particular sound was not a random selection. I just spent about 40 minutes of my life carefully filtering through sound clips on the internet searching for the one that most closely depicts the noise that comes out of my co-worker whenever she is not breathing in. Consider this treat just a small glimpse into my day.

That is all.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Winter Edition...

The town of Oak Island experienced the largest amount of snowfall it's seen in 307 years (that's not really true, but I like the dramatic effect that "307" has so I'm going to say it anyway) last night. Obviously, this was an extremely exciting event. To celebrate, I partook in an equally historical snowball fight. My skills still amaze even me. I pretty much triumphed over everyone there. At least two cried. Anyone who tells you anything different is lying. I humbly suggest that you give them the angry fist and kick them in the shin.

I've been craving hot chocolate for the last two hours but I'm way too lazy to go out in the cold to buy some. I'm going to settle for a piece of chocolate I found in my bag.

I'll give $1.10 to anyone who is willing to bring me a cup of hot chocolate.

Pretend this is a really interesting bullet point.

This one too.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bad Smell Day

  • Our entire guest services office smells like raw sewage. I think we should get to go home and get paid for the rest of the day. I tried to say so to MMB (My Mean Boss, not to be confused with my nice one). I used my most demanding voice but she just laughed so I pretended I was kidding. I wasn’t.

  • I’ve been saving up my loose change in a jug since I moved here about 8 months ago. I’ve decided that I'm going to use it to get one of those mini laptops. Mostly because I want to be able to lay on my couch while playing on Facebook. At the rate I’m going, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be another three years before I have enough saved up. I would really like to get it on Saturday, though, so I’m praying that God will grow the contents of my jug by the time I get home.

  • One of the maintenance guys just told me he would "light my fire." I didn't really like that.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thank You For My Coffee...

  • EMERGENCY: My yogurt experiment failed miserably. When I took it out of the freezer, it wasn't creamy at all. Pretty much just one solid chunk of ice. I tried chipping away at it in an attempt to eat it anyway but I think all of the flavor must have sunk to the bottom. I couldn't get to that part, though, because the top of the container was smaller than the bottom.
  • I can't handle scary movies or TV shows. There's a scary show on right now that's intrigued me. I don't know why I'm not changing it. I'm not going to sleep tonight and I'll probably have to keep all the lights on.
  • My co-worker told me that I've made her a better person. She says she used to cuss all the time but instead, she now replaces the bad words with just the letter she's thinking (ex. "What the H?!"). To congratulate me, I humbly suggest that you bring me coffee in bed tomorrow. I don't work until 9:15, so 7:00am will be perfect.
  • That's it. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Proposal...

A couple of months ago, I made my way through the entire collection of Gilmore Girls. Upon completion I concluded several things. First, Lorelei has really good hair. Secondly, I would really like that to be my life. I think I could be Lorelei. Now, granted, there would be a few differences. I would most definitely be a less smutty version who loves Jesus and would not have a grown daughter by the time I was 30. That issue aside, I would pretty much take the whole package. The cute house, the jeep, the best friend roomie, the shoes, the inn, the diner, the coffee at the snap of a finger, the town meetings, and Stars Hallow...
Needless to say, since completing the seventh season, I’ve been in a bit of a depression. Sad for it to be over, wishing it could be real, trying to accept that this life was not reality and that I just needed to move on. Then, one fateful afternoon, Kim and I ventured out to Southport for a day of shopping. Just by chance, we stopped at Port City Java and purchased a latte. Upon departure we yelled “Thanks Luke!” over our shoulders. That’s when it hit me! Maybe that life COULD be mine.
It all started coming together. I mean, Southport really is a lot like Stars Hallow in both appearance and historical significance. I would really love to own and run an inn, Lorelei and I have very similar hairstyles, I love pop-tarts, and I too, have a friend who is just as cute, lovely, and skilled in the arts of tasty treats as Sookie, who would make a fabulous addition to my hypothetical career.
And let’s just face it. I’m 100.07% sure that if Kim and I had stuck around Port City Java, we would have found that the workers would NOT have corrected our “Thanks Luke!” remark. They may have even liked it. That, my friends, is a sign.
I’m sure by now you can see where I’m going with this. And yes, you are correct. I’m going to create my own real life “Gilmore Girls” and I'm asking that you please join me. I will be moving to Southport as soon as possible and will be opening my own inn shortly thereafter. Below I have posted the necessary “roles” to carry out this endeavor. Please view them and reply if you feel you can fit this position. Each person will be carefully considered. Please keep in mind that I will not actually call you by these names. That would just be silly. You will, however, be responsible for fulfilling the roles for the remainder of your life, so please do not take this commitment lightly.

Rory: Obviously, you won’t be my daughter; however, it’s necessary that you are younger than I but not so young as to make me appear old. I would prefer that you be close to my size/height so I can borrow your clothes, but this is not a requirement.

Sookie: Must be very cute, maternal, be easily excited by things like produce and have mad cooking/baking skills.

Luke: Must be willing to open/run a diner. Always be prepared to give me a cup of coffee no matter the time of day. Be a jack of all trades, wear flannel, handsome and be prepared to marry within a ten year period of time.

Logan: Very handsome and rich. Probably a tad bit self-centered. Can’t be offended when Rory kicks you to the curb after your propose.

Kirk: Only requirement is that you are incredibly creepy.

Lane: Has to get along with Rory and be musically inclined.

Micheal: Must be incredibly rude, constantly negative, and very organized. Thick French accent and unlimited supply of three piece suits preferred.

Town Troubadour: All you have to do is play guitar and sing folksy music in the town square all day. I would prefer the lyrics reflect my emotions and the events of my day.

*I’ve edited Dean out of my new life. He kind of annoys me*
**If you would like to be included but not necessarily in one of the larger roles listed above, please feel free to apply for one of the smaller roles, less important yet very necessary roles.**

Thank you. That is all.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9th, 2010

Welcome to my very first blog! I'm afraid I can't promise that I'll have anything wonderfully interesting to just be a dear and pretend. Thank you.

My random thoughts for today:

  • A few days ago I found myself reliving a few of my experiences, to my current co-workers, as a barista at Beaners (local coffee shop back home). I was reminded, quite fondly, of Beaners Best Refill Guy. For the extent of my 2 year career, he came in every weekday morning at approximately 9:15am (at the exact time that our satellite radio played a rather moving rendition of "When You Say Nothing At All"....which was obviously a sign that he would one day profess his undying love to me) and refill his coffee mug with our Beaners Best Blend brewed coffee. He was quite possibly the prettiest boy I have ever seen. Here's a quick replay of our typical morning...
*fades into Beaners*

Me- Good morning! How are you?

Pretty Boy- Wonderful now, how are you?

Me- Doing pretty good, thanks.

*insert silence and meaningful stares that last for AT LEAST 5 seconds*

Pretty Boy- Have a good day at work, I'll see you tomorrow.

Me- You too! Tomorrow....

*fade out*

I’m fairly certain he liked me a lot and probably wanted to kiss but I fear rejection
way too much to have taken it any further.

  • Once I had dinner with a guy that I'm 103% sure was a mob boss down in Palm Beach. We ate, along with my grandparents, at this Italian restaurant where he had his own table and all the staff knew him by name. He had a really thick Italian accent and wore these huge black rimmed glasses. He kept insisting that I order a salad. I didn't want one but ordered it anyway because he slightly terrified me. I'm not sure why I thought of this but it's obviously very important.
That is all.