Tuesday, February 16, 2010

La la la LAAA

Every time I open a door at work, I receive a shock. Today alone, I've received no less than 187 shocks. I tried stretching my sweater over my hand when I touched the handles but that didn't work. I'm thinking about stuffing fabric softener sheets up my sleeves tomorrow.

I answered the phone this afternoon with my normal "Oak Island Accommodations. This is Jayme, how may I help you?" The man on the line said "Well HELLOOOO Jeanie!" Then proceeded to sing out the notes to the entire I Dream of Jeanie theme song. I really didn't like that at all.

Please enter the link below into a browser. Once you have the web page up, look right above the little black box with the green line. There is a "repeat" button (two arrows making a circle). Click on that and then click the "play" button. Then please listen to it for 8 hours with the volume turned on high. Please keep in mind that this particular sound was not a random selection. I just spent about 40 minutes of my life carefully filtering through sound clips on the internet searching for the one that most closely depicts the noise that comes out of my co-worker whenever she is not breathing in. Consider this treat just a small glimpse into my day.


That is all.


  1. I commented this yesterday but it apparently didn't work...

    In the winter I get shocked by everything metal its SOO stinking annoying.

    Weird people always seem to talk to you. What is up with that? I think you must have the same sign over your head that I have It says "Hey Creepers, Creep on me!" and its invisible to everyone but creepers.

    I would stuff a carrot down that woman's throat.
    horrible laugh

  2. The Coolest Jess Long You've Ever KnownMarch 29, 2010 at 12:10 AM

    I for the record happen to like that laugh quite a bit and plan on implementing it into my own laugh vocabulary post haste. The end.
